Department of Physics and Energy Engineering- Research Laboratory
Laser Labratory

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Laser Laboratory
Supervisor: Dr. Parviz Parvin
Phone Number: +982164545233+982164545228
Location: Amirkabir University of Technology, Physics, and Energy Engineering Department
The laser lab is a research lab that benefits a variety of laser systems and coherent sources different coating equipment and various analyzers to run Ph.D. and MSc projects on the fields of laser spectroscopy, fiber laser, nanobiophotonics, laser interaction with materials, laser nonlinear interactions, LIBS, LIF, laser induces nanostructure generation.
Research Areas
•   Biophotonics
•   Diagnosis and treatment of cancer
•   Polarimetry
•   LIBS and SIBS
•   LIF + fluorophores/Carbon nanostructures/chemical medicine
•   Random Laser and Hybrid Laser
•   Bio laser
•   Fiber laser + EIT
•   Laser gravity
•   LIDAR + remote sensing
•   Hydrogen storage
•   Synthesis of nanoparticles and 2D materials at low temperatures (graphene and MoS2)
•   Fiber optic sensors
•   Solar Cells
•   Optical imaging (spectral shift)
•   unstable laser resonator
•   Z-scan
•   Biosensor
Special Facilities
•   Nd: YAG laser
•   Continuous diode laser 808nm + fiber optics
•   405nm diode laser
•   Diode power laser (variable power) 532nm
•   Helium-Neon laser
•   LEDs (green, blue, red)
•   CO2 laser
•   Argon laser
•   Avantes spectrometer (2 pieces) + trigger
•   Optical fiber
•   UV-Vis
•   CVD
•   Vacuum evaporator
•   Autoclave
•   Incubator
•   centrifuge
•   Spectral shift microscope
•   Sonication
•   Spin coating machine
•   Vacuum pump (rotary)
•   Vacuum pump (diffusion)
•   Ultrasonic device
•   Hotplate
•   Hotplate + Stirrer
•   Stirrer
•   Circuit for producing two-dimensional materials at low temperatures
•   LIBS torch
•   z-scan

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